Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Morning ritual

Getting everybody ready in the morning for school, work and creche is very stressfull. My 4 year old needs to be encouraged to get dressed, eat - you constantly need to remind her to take a bite - and to brush her teeth. Before I started working again it took me an hour to get her ready for school and sometimes we were late. She absolutely loves reading her books, so the first thing she does in the morning is open a book and to get her attention proof to be very difficult as they are at the age of "I will do what I want and I know best".

Between all the bad there are funny moments. Cherise(4 years) doesn't see my father-in-law very often in his work clothes - their company buy their clothes from my husband - so this morning I put on a shirt from my husbands company and immediately she noticed, telling me that I have her grandfathers shirt on, which is very funny because he is a very very large man.

I can handle the oldest but the trouble starts when Jean-Marie(4 months) wake up when we are busy getting ready. She demands your attention with a cry and you can't ignore her, making it very difficult to get dressed and ready.

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